Prince Mohammed Ali Palace Museum in Manial

Price Mohammed Ali is the so of Khedive Tawfiq, the brother of Khedive Abbas Helmi II, ad was the guardia of the throe after the death of his ucle, Kig Fouad I i 1936, ad was crow price of Kig Farouk util 1951. The Price was a great ma of culture, famous for his love of Islamic art, his collectio of atiques ad atiques, ad his palace, which he recommeded to be trasformed ito a museum of the most beautiful ad importat historical museums i Egypt. The palace is uique i its architectural desig. It was built i a moder Islamic style adapted from the Iraia ad Mamluk schools. It also icludes some Syria, Morocca ad Adalusia decoratios. The Palace of Price Mohammad Ali Pasha cosists of a exterior wall surroudig the etrace to the palace. Iside the walls are the receptio towers, the clock tower, the aveue, the mosque, the fishig museum, the residece palace, the throe palace, the private museum, the golde hall, .

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