Coptic Museum
The Coptic Museum is located withi the boudaries of the Roma fortress of Babylo, close to the group of aciet churches (the Abbey Serrja church, the famous Church of the Virgi Mary ad the Jewish temple). The Coptic Museum was established i 1910. Its purpose was to collect moumets ad documets that cotribute to erichig the study of Coptic art i Egypt.
The museum cosists of two wigs coected by a corridor; the old wig was built by a thick disco i 1910, ad the ew pavilio opeed i 1947.
This museum is the largest museum i the world of Coptic moumets, ad icludes a collectio of the fiest examples of Coptic art, which was distributed to the various sectios of the museum, amely:
· Departmet of stoes ad plaster paitigs
· Departmet of the developmet of Coptic writig ad mauscripts
· Textile ad textile departmet
· Ivory ad Icos sectio
· Wood Sectio
· Metals Departmet
· Departmet of pottery ad glass