Qurnet Mar’i
Quret Mar’i is located i westre Taybeh, southwest of Ramessium, ad directly behid the fueral temple of Amehotep the Third. It is a small hill with its wigs ad sides. A large umber of tombs of obles ad seior me of the state are said to have bee used i differet historical periods. I additio to a few other tombs datig from the first half of the 18th Dyasty ad the Ramses period, while most of the tombs of the Mar’ai Qura date back to the secod half of the 18th Dyasty, especially the late Kig Amehotep III ad the reig of the kig “Tutakhamu” ad the Kig “Which”.
The tomb of Amehetep, also kow as the “Hui”, who served as the deputy kig i Kush i the late reig of Amehotep IV (Akheate) ad durig the reig of Tutakhamu, was decorated with religious ad religious scees. , Ad was kee to record the view of the istallatio by Kig Tutakhamu o the walls of his tomb, i additio to depictig scees showig the raks of ubias who give gifts to the kig, such as furiture, aimals ad other ubia products bought through boots , ad sometimes the most strikig scees that illustrate the quatities of gold which was bought from ubia ad the author of the weight Ad gold couts.