Manesterley Palace
This palace (which was called the kiosk) was fouded by the late Hassa Fuad Pasha, the Mastrali of Egypt, durig the reig of Abbas Toso Ib Muhammad Ali Pasha
The kiosk cosists of the iside of a rectagular louge covered i additio to the wig of the west which icludes a livig room ad two bedrooms ad a bathroom ad aother room i the east. There is also a woode terrace surrouded
At the kiosk o the west ad south side overlookig the ile through a triagular woode plywood decorated with geometric ad vegetal decoratio. The facades of the kiosk flutter with wood i the shape of the Egyptia Coriche decorated
With colorful decoratios o wood. I the compromise plas, Ali Pasha Mubarak states that the late Hassa Fuad Pasha Al-Mastrali was built at the tribal ed of the village of Al-Rawdah Saraya ad Kushk o the ruis of the palace of Sulta ajmuddi
Which dates back to the Ayyubid era. It was part of the buildigs of Al Rawdah Castle, which was built by Kig Al-Salih ajm al-Di i 638 AH. I additio, the Mastrali Pasha created a small mosque istead of the scale mosque built i
Fatimid era ad there is a paitig i the mosque, icludig the date of the death of Hassa Fuad Pasha Mastrali i 6 Rabie I 1276, who was the occupied the post of Miister of the Iterior.
Best view i have ever seen !
Best view i have ever seen !