Museum of Hunting
The Museum of Fishig was opeed i 1963 i the palace of Price Muhammad Ali i Maial. It was added to the palace after the Price’s death several years. It cosists of a log corridor adjacet to the orther wall of the palace. Icludig what was collected after the revolutio of July 1952 from the palaces ad rest of Kig Farouk ad Price Yusuf Kamal, who were kow to love fishig. The museum was closed i 2006 for developmet purposes ad reopeed i 2017.
Oe of the most promiet exhibits of the museum is a rare collectio of colored butterflies, a pair of giat sakes’ skis of more tha 5 meters each, a group of Egyptia birds ad migratory birds, gazelles, buffaloes ad predatory aimals, as well as gifts from the ruler of Suda to Kig Farouk, The furiture was made from the fags ad bodies of the elephats.