Abu Simbel

(1279-1212 BC). It has bee liked to a high plateau of sadstoe 4 km south of their curret locatio, which was trasferred to it i the campaig to save the effects of ubia after the establishmet of the High Dam i 1960. The site of Abu Simbel cotais two temples: the Temple of Abu Simbel the Great, which was dedicated to the worship of “Ra Hor My sister” ad “Amu Ra” ad the Kig himself, ad the temple of Abu Simbel small, which is located 100 meters from the first temple dedicated to the worshiper Hathor ad Quee efertari, the mai wife of the kig. The ame “Abu Simbel” was lauched o this site by the Swiss traveler Joha Ludwig Burckhardt, kow as Ibrahim Burkhart, who discovered the site i 1813 whe he was accompaied by a child amed Abu Simbel. The importace of the Temple of Abu Simbel is attributed to its associatio with the pheomeo of the su i the face of the statue of Pharaoh Ramses II twice a year; the first coicides with the aiversary of his birthday o 22 October ad the secod o 22 February, the aiversary of his coroatio. The temple is distiguished by a uique architectural desig. It was decorated with four large statues of Kig Ramses II, each of which reaches about 20 meters log. The façade is followed by a corridor leadig to the temple, which is carved ito the rock at a depth of 48 meters. Its walls are decorated with scees of the kig’s victories ad coquests. The Battle of Kadesh where he defeated the Hittites, i additio to the religious scees depictig the kig i his relatios with the Egyptia gods. The small temple of Abu Simbel was give by Kig Ramses II to Quee efertari, his wife ad master. His face is adored with six large statues of equal size represetig the kig ad the quee i a clear demostratio of the high status ejoyed by the quee i her husbad. The temple exteds ito the plateau at a depth of 24 m. From the magificet views that depicted the quee worshipig the various gods either with the kig or aloe.

17 Replies to “Abu Simbel”

  1. It is such a glorious time of the Egyptian civilization, and the Egyptian people, who are one of the most important source of western civilization today, Egypt and true Egyptians should be proud of their past and try to emulate their history today, I’m surprised that the ancient Egyptian language is not being taught in the Egyptian schools today, what a mistake to the Arabs to be your identities, Egyptian own a proud past, relive it!

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