Monastery of St. Demiana
Al-Maqrizi metios that there were four moasteries i the Barqas district of Belqas, icludig the moastery of St. Demiaa. Historical refereces metio the importace of the religious role of Sait Damiaa i the face of religious persecutio.
The moastery is located o a area of approximately 2 acres, ad the moastery rectagular shape surrouded by a large wall that icludes all the buildigs ad churches of the moastery, ad the etrace is located i the orth-east, ad the moastery icludes several churches, icludig:
Church of the Martyr Damiaa: It is called the church of Maama ad oe of the most importat churches i the moastery because it cotais the tomb of Sait Demiaa ad forty virgi so called the podium ad the church cosists of Khorsi
The Church of St. George: It cosists of three Khoras i additio to three other structures where there are o massacres i the church are baptized oe for adults ad the other for youg
Church of Our Lady. Was built above the aciet church, ad was built by Aba Basilius, Bishop of Jerusalem i 1871 AD divided ito three Khoras ad the structure of the altar, ad the work of restoratio ad cleaig has bee revealed the oldest church called the aciet church
The Church of St. Athoy: Located west of the Archaeological Church, was also built by Aba Basilos i 1871, ad was exposed to fire ad reopeed i 1973 ad divided ito a temple ad oe horse preceded by a altar ad durig the restoratio ad maiteace work i 2003 was revealed a church below which is similar to the Church of the archaeological where it cosists of Three Algorithms ad Structure