The Path of Nafisa Al Baida
The path ad book of afisa al-Baida is located o Al-Moez Ladi Allah Street. It was fouded by afisa al-Baida, Maatouq Ali Bak al-Kabir i 1211 AH / 1796 AD i the late Ottoma period. She married afisa al-Baida from Murad Bey, ad was give a great status by the Frech campaigers i Egypt.
The afisa Al Baidha facility icludes a residetial commercial buildig for the sale of sugar, almods, hazeluts, ghee ad eggs; the lower part is for storig goods, the upper part of the housig ad the merchats’ quarters.
The path of the agecy is located i the way of the two books attached to the agecy. The road cosists of a reservoir for storage of water at the edge of the earth, topped by a spice chamber cotaiig marble bathrooms to collect water. Three curved metal widows, topped by a marble shelf, are placed o the frot of the room. Lollipop ext to the frot of the way devoted to the drikig of childre ad the elderly, writte o the text, “O Ward water et albumi, drik healthy health ad welless 1211,” ad above the way a book to memorize ad teach the Kora to childre ad orphas Muslims.
The façade ad the book are rich i the masterpieces of stoe, marble, copper ad woode decoratio of the geometric ad vegetal uits that spread i the Turkish Ottoma era i Egypt ad iflueced by the Europea artistic styles of the Reaissace i the seveteeth ad eighteeth ceturies.