Royal Jewelry Museum
The Royal Jewelery Museum is located i Alexadria’s Zezeia district, oe of the most uique Europea-style architectural objects. The buildig was origially a palace for the oble Fatima al-Zahra, oe of the obles of the upper royal family that ruled Egypt from 1805 util the revolutio of July 1952. The palace cosists of two wigs east ad west coectig the corridor, ad surrouds the buildig garde. I 1986, the palace was trasformed ito a museum with a large collectio of royal jewelry ad rare atiques of the upper family.
The museum offers te halls, more tha 11,000 pieces of the fiest ad most precious jewelry ad royal atiques, such as decoratios, medals, gold ecklaces, watches, smokig sets, gold ad platium decoratios ad gems ad semi-precious stoes, Gold driks, ad diamod swords.