Sohag Museum
The site of the Sohag Museum o the ile was chose to cofirm the role of the ile River i the stability ad prosperity of civilizatio. The museum is located o a area of 6500 m2 ad cosists of two floors ad a basemet.
The museum displays the most importat artifacts that were extracted from various locatios i the provice, ad the umber of more tha 7000 pieces of archaeological, ad uique museum exhibits a umber of rare mummies.
The museum shows the most importat kigs of Pharaoic Egypt who came out of the lad of Sohag. It also sheds light o the aciet Egyptia religio ad the pilgrimage to Abydos, i additio to the popular heritage of the provice ad its most importat characters ad idustries.
Best view i have ever seen !
Best view i have ever seen !