Home of Ali Labib
This house is located i the orth-easter part of Saladi Square (curretly the castle) i Al-Khalifa district i Cairo. Mr. Sharif Omar Al-Malatili ad his brother Ibrahim ordered the establishmet of this house i the late 12th / 18th cetury AD, It was called “Ali Labib”. The house was widely recogized by the use of some foreig ad Egyptia artisas as a paiter. This is called the Artists’ House. The house is curretly beig reused by the Cultural Developmet Fud as a home for Egyptia architecture.
This house cosists of two small south-easter buildigs, ad the secod is a large orth-west, the mai courtyard. The first floor cotais the summer ad overight seats attached to it ad rooms for the people of the house. O the orthwester side of the small courtyard is a door opeig that leads to the secod mai mai courtyard. It is surrouded by two elemets of the house. The floor is occupied by the dressig room ad the me’s floor hall. The secod floor of this courtyard has a group of rooms ad a bathroom ad a large upper room for wome (Haramlik).
At the geeral view of the house, it seems that its first ower was fod of art. O the walls of the upper halls are popular drawigs represetig buildigs ad parks, ad are early examples of folk art that was popular i may Cairo houses i the 18th ad 19th ceturies. O the stoe with the facades overlookig the courtyard, i additio to the ceramic tiles above the etrace to the seat, the woode elemets of the grills ad the widows of the cart, ad the decoratio of plaster glued colored glass.