It is located about 17 km from Husseiiya, 32 km ortheast of Faqus, ad 150 km ortheast of Cairo. It was the capital of Egypt durig the 21st Dyasty.
It is metioed i the Egyptia texts i several ames: “Ja’a”, “Ja’”, “Ja’at”, “Sakht Ja’at” ad Ja’at. It is oe of the four cities of the Regio. It was called “Sa of the Stoe”.
The site was occupied by the populatio i the era of Ramesses. The city had a commercial port from which the commercial missios of the Syria coastal cities emerged. It was also a importat admiistrative ceter where importat political figures played a promiet role i the public policy of Egypt durig the period before the twety-first family, which took the city as the seat of govermet.
The site icludes a collectio of atiquities datig back to the Late Ptolemaic era, icludig temples dedicated to the Amu, Moat, Khosu, ad Horus temples, as well as the royal cemetery of the 21st Dyasty, a sacred lake, ad statues of Kig Ramesses II, Parmesis by the kigs of the twety-first family to decorate the ew capital.
It is the largest village of Dakhla Oasis i terms of area ad oldest. Its history exteds for thousads of years from the Pharaoic ad the Roma ad the Islamic periods. It was amed after it because it was the seat of the royal court i the Ottoma era ad icludes two archeological sites.
The site of the castles of Dabaa six terraces of the goverors of oases i the era of the sixth family, ad o the walls of these graves, scees depictig the life of the aciet Egyptia i agriculture ad its rehabilitatio of aimals. The area also icludes Roma tombs, ad there is a cemetery for oe of the rulers of the regio led by two small Muslims ad a door o Hieroglyphic door that is the strogest rulers of the desert.
The site of Ai al-Aseel icludes the ruis of the city’s houses datig back to the age of the sixth family, which is built with brick bricks, surrouded by a huge wall, ad icludes may booths of worship.
The capital of the ith Regio of Upper Egypt, ad the seat of worship of the god Mi, the god of fertility ad developmet. Called “Khit Mi”, ad derived the curret ame “Akhmim.” Kig Ramses II built a large temple dedicated to the worship of the god Mi. He was cosidered the mai temple of the city. His remais are still uder the preset city ad there are aciet moumets datig back to the 18th Dyasty. The temple cotais huge statues of Kig Ramses II, For his daughter “Merit Amu” is oe of the fiest produced by the had of the Egyptia artist of aciet statues of wome.
Dadara is the Arabic ame of the aciet Egyptia tow of Iot, ad the importace of Dadara is that it was the mai ceter of worship of the goddess Hathor, who aloe the aciet Greeks with their god Aphrodite. The temple of Dadra is oe of the best preserved Egyptia temples, a verse i architecture, a uique example of the arts ad a comprehesive book of Egyptia religious thought.
The oldest buildigs discovered so far date to the era of Kig Khufu, which built the mai chamber of the goddess Hathor, ad some of the kigs of the aciet state of may additios, icludig the first kig without his ame i oe of the iscriptios, ad discovered aother cabi datig the eleveth Dyasty ear the The preset temple dates back to the Greco-Roma era ad is believed to have bee built for about 34 years.
The temple of Dadara is oe of the few temples i which three triad are worshiped; the first is the Hathor Triad ad the secod is the Uzir. The temple is famous for the astrological scees o the ceilig, as well as the may scees depictig kigs ad emperors offerig offerigs to the gods. The temple also features vaults built i walls ad foudatios, ad there are also Salma leadig to the roof.
The mosque was established by Sulta al-Ashraf al-Barasbay betwee (831-841 / 1427-1437). The ame of the city of Khaka is attributed to the Khaka, established by al-asir Muhammad ib Qalawu i the year 725 AH
The argumet for stoppig Sulta Barsbay has stated that this place is a mosque ad ot a school. The mosque was amed by the Sariacus Mosque ad the argumet is metioed that the mosque is described as Maulaa Sulta al-Waqif, a mosque i which the prayers ad the supplicatios are held. Ad Eid ad do what was customary i such a situatio ad stop the dikkah i frot of the pulpit ad authorized the ears of the ears o Friday to elarge ad cheerig stop the miaret metioed for prayer ad praise ad praise ad magificatio every ight ad it was added that this tow had other buildigs of the Sulta, It is a gorge dedicated by Salt Sophie ad its water ext to her bathroom, kitche ad ceased to exist oly mosque 0
The mosque cosists of a square area with a ope courtyard curretly surrouded by four caopies. The mosque has facades built of stoe ad its orth-easter facades with the mai etrace. Aother etrace to the orthwester façade is likely to have a third door i the southwester directio. The miaret is similar to the miaret of the Ashrafieh school
The road is located at the easter corer of the plaig ad is oe of the types of the two ways
The Temple of Amu or the Temple of Revelatio is oe of the most importat archaeological sites i Matrouh provice. The temple of Amu is situated i the Siwa Oasis, about 300 km from Matrouh Goverorate. It dates back to the 26th Dyasty. The iscriptios i the Holy of Holies idicate that the temple was fouded by Kig Ahmos II (570-526 BC) Mohammed. The importace of the temple is due to its beig a temple of prophecy ad divie revelatio as the abode of the revelatio of the god of Amu. Therefore, it was a importat destiatio for people i the aciet world to cosult the idol through his priesthood i mysterious ad fateful matters. The temple was associated with may of the stories, the most famous of which is the story of Qambiz’s lost army, the army set by the Persia kig Qambiz i 525 BC to destroy the temple to prove to Egyptias ad Greeks their faith i the revelatio ad prophecy associated with the temple. The army of Qambiz lost completely after leavig the oasis of Kharga towards the Siwa oasis. Historical records state that the army was buried uder the sad because of violet wids. His military campaigs.
It dates back to the early 20th cetury ad has bee built for three years.
It was built by Baro Amba who has the idea of recostructig ad plaig the desert of Heliopolis ad turig it ito a big suburb
The palace is a rare architectural masterpiece ad represets a uique model of architecture i Idia style ad is located o four facades ad took three years ad was desiged so as ot to miss the su at all, ad all the halls ad corridors eter the su ad after the most luxurious palaces ad used i the costructio of marble ad marble ad was recorded i the moumets of Islamic ad Coptic decisio Prime Miister o. 1297 of 1993 published i the Egyptia Chroicle o. (183) o 16/8/1993
The palace is importat because it was accompaied by the costructio of Baro Amba i Heliopolis, where he was the ower of the idea of recostructio, plaig ad trasformatio of the desert of Heliopolis ito a large suburb after he fouded the ew compay, which started dividig the lad ad housig costructio ad street plaig ad the establishmet of electricity compaies, Scietific itegrated orgaizer.
The Palace of Baro Amba is surrouded by a area of more tha four acres. The palace is a rare masterpiece i Idia architecture. The palace is built of two floors ad cosists of six large rooms ad two rooms. I the orth of the palace is a large four-storey tower with a spiral staircase of wood
I the etrace to the palace some marble ad stoe statues represet aimal ad semi-ude forms, the facade of the palace ad the tower are rich i geometric ad vegetal iscriptios ad carved sculptures.
It is located withi the eighth regio of the Upper Egypt regios, ad it was called “Taor”, the great lad. It was also called “Abu Jou”, from which it derived its curret ame “Abydos”. It was a ceter of worship of the goddess “Khati Amateo” before it became the ceter of the worship of “Auser”. Abidos is oe of the richest sites i Egypt. It cotais the Temple of Kig City I, oe of the most importat temples i Egypt due to its uique architectural desig, the beauty of its egravigs ad the spledor of its colors, as well as a large umber of uique views. To the west of the temple there are the Assyrias, which is a symbolic shrie to the miister of the god of the Baath ad eterity ad the other world, ad the Azurias drop from the level of the floor of the temple about 18 m. The area also icludes the temple of Kig Ramses II dedicated to the worship of Osir, some of whose walls depicted scees of the Battle of Kadesh. The area also cotais several archeological sites such as the tombs of the kigs of the first ad secod families, the raisi, the jabbaa of the falcos, the kum el-Sulta, ad the mother of the jabaab.
The Holy Family passed by ad stayed there for 17 days, ad gave the Virgi Mary a stoe metaphor that she used i the dough, ad the church still retais the mages to make her visitors come from all over the world.
I additio to the well from which visitors of the church drik from Muslims ad Christias to request the blessig.
The church belogs i its geeral desig to the Byzatie style, but it is ot affected by the ifluece of the basilica style, especially i the divisio of its area ito three log alleys extedig from west to east, ad thus the church became like most churches, which represet a mixed model combiig the elemets of the Byzatie ad Byzatie styles.
The church cosists of a square area divided by two rows of blocks to three logitudial legths, the largest oe, each cosistig of two pillars of marble, ad o it are semi-circular cotracts that bear the roof of the church. The orther, souther ad wester walls of the church ed with circular cotracts.
The bottom of these uits is made of fie wood.
The woode veil i the Church of Martyr Abaoub ad the veil of the church is a aciet veil datig back 550 years. The church cotais a large collectio of archaeological icos ad holdigs of the church ad displayed iside the two vases of the presetatio of the House of Prayer museum.
This palace, i its architectural style, is a example of the Reaissace, i which the Rococo style is characterized by the features of Islamic architecture
Built i the secod decade of the twetieth cetury did ot fid a more specific history of its costructio
The palace was amed after Pricess Ferial ursery after Pricess Ferial, the daughter of Kig Farouk. The palace was owed by the Rashid family
The palace has four facades, the most importat of which is the orther façade, where they fid the mai etrace to the palace. These façades are decorated with vegetal ad geometric motifs, huma shapes ad black heads. The iterior cosists of a basemet with three floors
Basemet cosists of a hall ad four rooms ad the aother hall with three rooms, ad the first role is Salamql arrive to a marie freeway with a door opes to a hall with four rooms ad the aother rectagular room with two rooms ad a room with a toilet ad a corridor leadig to the outer courtyard, ad the secod role is similar ad similar With the first roud 0
, Ad the third floor is a rectagular louge with ie rooms 0
The mai etrace of the mai etrace to the orther façade leads to the first floor by a double stairway. The secod etrace is located i the south side. It is the ower of the palace ad the third etrace is i the east.
The ceilig of the palace was decorated with iro beams ad decorated with plaster i the iterior. The plaster was used i the decoratio of most of the palace’s ceiligs
The floors of the palace at the time of costructio are furished with white marble. This is evidet from the marble remais. However, there was a lot of alteratio i the floorig o the floors, ad the marble was replaced with moder tiles i most of the palace floors.