Touna al-Jabal and Ashmounin
Ashmoui is located 8 km orthwest of Malloy. The capital of the regio was the fifteeth of the regios of Upper Egypt, ad derived its ame from “Khmo” ay umber eight, because the priests were the owers of the theory of the creatio of the uiverse by eight gods, ad became the word i Coptic, “Shammo” ad “Shamo” ad the became i Arabic “Ashmoi” . It was also kow i Greek as “Hormopolis”, the city of the god “Hermes” who liked the Greeks with him ad the Egyptia idol “Hhuti”.
ot oly did the Ashmous hold their promiet place i the Egyptia faiths because of Thamo Ashmoui, but because it was also the ceter of worship of the god of the wisdom ad kowledge of aciet Egypt. Amehotep the Third set up a temple i which oly a huge statue of the god ” This is the largest statue of a mokey foud i Egypt.
As for Toua al-Jabal, it is located about 7 km from Ashmoui ad follows the ceter of Mallawi. It was the capital of the fifteeth provice of Upper Egypt ad its cowardice is the late cemetery of the city of Ashmoui.
The ame is derived from the aciet Egyptia word “Tahai” meaig the lake, referrig to a lake that was formed i the regio as a result of the floodig of the ile. It became Greek i Tuisia, the Tua i Arabic, ad the word moutai was added to it because of its moutaious regio.
The cemetery of Toua al-Jabal is especially importat because it highlights the artistic matig betwee aciet Egyptia art ad Greek art. The area icludes the followig moumets: oe of Akheate’s border plates, ad the Tua moutai basis, a huge collectio of rock-cut laes for the burial of sacred ibis ad mokeys after their embalmig, ad the tomb of the Great Priest.