Castle of Al Quseir
The costructio of this castle dates back to the Ottoma period. It was built before AH 998 / AD 1589, whe its first metio was made i a speech this year that was foud i the palace of Iberim i ubia.
Qasr al-Qusayr was built to protect the easter border o the Red Sea side from ay exteral attack. The layout of the citadel is almost square. It is supported by four semi-circular corer towers. The walls are built from outside with limestoe ad it seems to have a trech from the outside. It has small opeigs used as a dart thrower ad is topped by a corice with a ewer wall of brick.
The etrace is a woode door with two arms topped by a semicircle, followed by a corridor covered with a cross vault leadig to a ope hall that icludes the old etrace to the castle. It is topped by a decade of itricate stoe walls. O either side of the corridor are three etries i the wall o the wester side ad the third o the other side , Ad at the bottom of these etries there are terraces. At the ed of the easter side of the corridor there is a door that leads to brick-built rooms used for soldiers’ accommodatio. The ope courtyard, o the middle of which is a large observatio tower, has a water tak earby.