The uba Museum was opeed ad opeed to the public i 1997 as part of UESCO’s iteratioal campaig, which bega i 1960 to save the aciet ruis of ubia. The museum icludes the work of excavatios i ubia areas that will be flooded after the costructio of the High Dam.
The total area of the museum is 50000 m2, of which 7000 m2 is allocated for the buildig. The desig of the museum was ispired by the traditioal architecture of the ubia village. The desig was completed with local sadstoe ad pik graite, makig it oe of the wiers of the Aghakha Award for Architecture i 2001.
Amog the most promiet exhibits are a prehistoric skeleto, as well as a collectio of the tombs of Qustal ad Balaah, which were carried out durig the secod archaeological survey of ubia ear the secod rampart of the Aswa reservoir. These iclude may iro weapos, silver ad agate- Silver oramets, ad crockery. The museum also houses a ethographic exhibitio of traditioal ubia society prior to displacemet
This museum occupies oe of the historical buildigs o Al-Moez Street, the path of Muhammad Ali Pasha. The museum icludes a variety of textile models from differet ages i order to itroduce visitors to the history of the textile idustry i Egypt. The museum is the first specialized museum i the textile idustry i the Middle East ad the third i the world.
As part of the efforts of the Miistry of Atiquities to activate the tourism sector, the Airport Museum was iaugurated i 2016 at Termial 3 at Cairo Iteratioal Airport.
The exhibitio’s display sceario aims at highlightig the cultural developmet of Egypt ad the diversity of its effects through 39 valuable artifacts that were selected from the collectio of the Egyptia Museum, the Coptic Museum ad the Museum of Islamic Art.
The Royal Vehicle Museum is located iside the citadel of Saladi. The museum was opeed i 1983 ad icludes a umber of distictive artifacts that tell the history of the royal carriages. The museum icludes a showroom that icludes some of the distictive royal carriages from the Khedive Ismail period util Kig Farouk’s reig, as well as a collectio of clothes ad accessories for the horses to be towed. The museum also icludes a collectio of beautiful oil paitigs as well as oe of the half statues of Khedive Ismail.
The Museum of Islamic Art is located i Bab El Khalk Square, oe of Cairo’s most famous historical squares. It is close to the most famous Islamic architectural ladmarks, which reflect the greatess of Islamic civilizatio ad the arts of Ib Tulu, Mohammed Ali Mosque ad Saladi Citadel.
The museum was first opeed i 1903, ad its purpose was to collect Islamic artifacts ad documets from may parts of the world such as Egypt, orth Africa, Sham, Idia, Chia, Ira, the Arabia Peisula ad Adalusia i artistic collectios expressig various arts. Islamic history through the ages, thus erichig the study of Islamic art. The Museum of Islamic Art is oe of the largest Islamic art museums i the world. It houses about 100,000 differet atiques, makig it a beaco of Islamic art ad civilizatio throughout the ages.
The museum cosists of two floors; The exhibitio’s display sceario icludes 4000 artifacts ad displays, ad a hall cotaiig the collectio of the era of Mohammed Ali has recetly bee added.
The atioal Police Museum is located i the citadel of Salah al-Di i Cairo. The museum cotais exhibits that aim to highlight the history of the police sice aciet times util the preset. The museum cotais may items of the Egyptia security services as well as the tools used i the police statios, police uiforms ad some pictures of famous officers ad crimials. .
The museum starts from the flag gate to the right, icludig the castle priso museum. To the left is the secod wig of the priso, which leads to the police vehicle museum, followed by the etrace to the museum garde ad the mai museum.
The museum cotais several halls dedicated to the history of the police i a particular era. The first hall is the police hall i aciet Egypt. The most importat exhibits are weapos such as arrows, arches ad shields. The secod hall is dedicated to police history i Islamic Egypt. I the Battle of 25 Jauary i Ismailia. The museum also displays a umber of documets o famous cases ad crimes ad some of the weapos used. It also devoted a hall to the presetatio of the most importat cases of political assassiatio ad other cases of couterfeitig ad forgery. To the Fire Hall, which icludes the oldest fire trucks used i Egypt durig the eighteeth ad ieteeth ceturies
The atioal Suez Museum, which opeed i 2012, is located o the Gulf of Suez. It cotais 2500 archaeological pieces that tell the story of the city from prehistoric times to moder times. The museum is desiged i a distictive style. The buildig cosists of two floors separated by a ope showroom, as well as a museum garde displayig a model of oe of Quee Hatshepsut’s fleet ships i a idustrial basi.
The history of Egypt’s trade relatios, miig ad shipbuildig, ad the history of Egypt’s relatios with Egypt, Ad the importace of the city i relatio to the pilgrimage trips to the Holy Lad, ad the history of the Suez Caal, with the allocatio of a hall full of the history of moder Suez documetig the touramets of the city durig the armed struggle agaist the British occupatio, ad durig the battle of October 24,
The ew Valley Museum is located i Al Kharga, the capital of the ew Valley Goverorate, ad icludes a variety of archaeological fids foud i the historic areas of the ew Valley, which tell the history of Egyptia civilizatio from prehistoric times to moder times.
Some of the valuable artifacts i the museum iclude a collectio of artifacts datig back to prehistoric times, ad iclude a umber of stoe vessels, cutlery, ad apros. The museum exhibit also icludes a rare collectio of statues ad fueral paitigs belogig to the goverors of the oases ad aother collectio of statues of the gods.
The Egyptia Museum is located i the heart of the Egyptia capital of Cairo ad overlooks Tahrir Square, oe of the largest ad most famous museums i the world. The museum was opeed i its preset locatio durig the reig of Khedive Abbas Helmy II i 1902, after the museum’s moumets were moved more tha oce i several locatios util it eded i the curret buildig.
The museum cosists of two mai floors, the first floor cotais the heavy moumets of coffis, paitigs ad statues displayed accordig to the historical sequece. The upper floor cotais various archaeological collectios, the most importat of which are Kig Tutakhamu ad Tais treasures, as well as two royal mummies. Oe of the most importat artifacts i the museum is the palace of Kig armer, the statue of Kig Khufu, the mask of Kig Tutakhamu ad a large umber of royal treasures.
The Museum of Fishig was opeed i 1963 i the palace of Price Muhammad Ali i Maial. It was added to the palace after the Price’s death several years. It cosists of a log corridor adjacet to the orther wall of the palace. Icludig what was collected after the revolutio of July 1952 from the palaces ad rest of Kig Farouk ad Price Yusuf Kamal, who were kow to love fishig. The museum was closed i 2006 for developmet purposes ad reopeed i 2017.
Oe of the most promiet exhibits of the museum is a rare collectio of colored butterflies, a pair of giat sakes’ skis of more tha 5 meters each, a group of Egyptia birds ad migratory birds, gazelles, buffaloes ad predatory aimals, as well as gifts from the ruler of Suda to Kig Farouk, The furiture was made from the fags ad bodies of the elephats.