Karnak Temple

Is the largest ad most importat Egyptia temples. The aciet Egyptias called it Ibt Sut, which meas “the time of the chose places of the Throe of Amu”; the worship of the god Amu was dedicated to the head of the Good Triity with the death of Khosu. It cosists of a complex of temples ad architectural elemets built by the aciet kigs of Egypt from the Middle Kigdom util the Ptolemaic period. It is surrouded by a huge mud brick wall ad is exteded by the port of the west. ewly discovered Roma ad Roma baths i frot of the first edifice. The crak cotais the temple of the goddess Mott, which ca be reached through the easter rams road of the teth edifice of the temple of Karak, surrouded by the east, south ad west of the holy lake. The temple was dedicated to the goddess Amu Ra’s wife, mother of god Khosu, ad was built by Amehotep the Third ad added to the kigs several additios util the Ptolemaic era. The temple has two small temples iside it; the first dedicated to the god Khosu dates back to the 18th Dyasty, while the secod was dedicated to the worship of the god Amu ad is due to Ramses III. The temple begis with a courtyard ad the a courtyard with several statues of the goddess “Sakhmet” depicted as a lady with the head of a lioess, a picture of the goddess of death, ad the we reach aother courtyard of colums ad the the hall of the saits followed by the Holy of Holies.

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