The atioal Museum of Egyptia Civilizatio is located ear the fortress of Babylo ad overlooks Ai Al-Sira i the heart of the historical city of Fustat i Egypt’s Old Cairo area. The foudatio stoe was laid i 2002 to make this museum oe of the most importat ad largest archaeological museums i the world. It is the first museum to be dedicated to the etire Egyptia civilizatio. More tha 50,000 artifacts will tell the stages of the developmet of civilizatio from aciet times util moder times. The museum’s exhibits will be preseted at a permaet exhibitio o the most importat achievemets of the Egyptia civilizatio, i additio to six other exhibitios dealig with the topics of civilizatio, the ile, writig, state ad society, culture, beliefs ad ideas, as well as the Royal Mummies exhibitio. The museum will also iclude spaces for temporary exhibitios, as well as a exhibitio o the developmet of moder Cairo. The museum will house service, commercial ad leisure buildigs, a research ceter for aciet materials sciece ad restoratio, ad the museum will host a variety of evets, such as film presetatios, cofereces, lectures ad cultural activities. This museum, which aims at the local ad foreig masses, will be a itegral istitutio with a outstadig role i spreadig archaeological awareess ad itroducig Egypt’s role i layig the foudatio of huma civilizatio.
I 2017, i the framework of the partial opeig of the museum, the temporary exhibitio hall, which covers a area of 1000 m2, was iaugurated. It icludes a temporary exhibitio etitled “Egyptia Crafts ad Idustries Through the Ages”, which aims to itroduce the developmet of Egyptia crafts. The exhibitio icludes about 420 selected artifacts from some museums ad may models, as well as large screes showig a umber of documetaries dealig with the history ad evolutio of each craft through the ages.
The Coptic Museum is located withi the boudaries of the Roma fortress of Babylo, close to the group of aciet churches (the Abbey Serrja church, the famous Church of the Virgi Mary ad the Jewish temple). The Coptic Museum was established i 1910. Its purpose was to collect moumets ad documets that cotribute to erichig the study of Coptic art i Egypt.
The museum cosists of two wigs coected by a corridor; the old wig was built by a thick disco i 1910, ad the ew pavilio opeed i 1947.
This museum is the largest museum i the world of Coptic moumets, ad icludes a collectio of the fiest examples of Coptic art, which was distributed to the various sectios of the museum, amely:
· Departmet of stoes ad plaster paitigs
· Departmet of the developmet of Coptic writig ad mauscripts
· Textile ad textile departmet
· Ivory ad Icos sectio
· Wood Sectio
· Metals Departmet
· Departmet of pottery ad glass
The Grad Egyptia Museum is located i the west of Cairo ear the pyramids of Giza. The site was chose as a moumet to the greatess of Egypt i the past, preset ad future. The museum is desiged to be the largest museum of atiquities i the world. It is 117 acres ad will cotai more tha 100,000 The museum will iclude a umber of commercial ad etertaimet service buildigs, a ceter for the sciece of aciet materials ad restoratio, ad a museum park to be plated with trees kow to the aciet Egyptia. The $ 550 millio project is implemeted i three major phases.
Durig 2010, the secod phase of the project was iaugurated, which icludes the rehabilitatio ceter which icludes a umber of laboratory tests ad aalyzes such as microbiological laboratory ad microscopic electroic microscope, as well as maiteace ad restoratio laboratories such as plat maiteace mummies, wood lab, stoe laboratory,
The fial stage – the stage beig implemeted – will iclude the establishmet of museum galleries, the Museum of Scholars, the Covetio ad Ciema Ceter, the Archaeological Library ad the Childre’s Museum, the first phase of which will be opeed with the display of Kig Tutakhamu’s holdigs.
The museum is uder costructio
This museum was created i hoor of the memory of the aciet Egyptia architect Imhotep, the executor of the royal group of Kig Zoser, as the first to erect a pyramid ad the first to use the stoe i the executio of large buildigs.
The museum cosists of several halls of more tha 500 rare artifacts excavated from the archaeological site of Saqqara. The exhibitio icludes a model of the fueral collectio of Zoser, ad oe of the halls i the museum is desiged i the shape of a complete tomb with a mummy, a woode coffi ad a umber of pottery ad alabaster pots, icludig the library of Frech architect Jea-Philippe Loire, Hierarchy ad restore its features.
Rasheed atioal Museum is located i the heart of the city of Rasheed ad occupies oe of the most importat ad famous historical houses. It is the “house of the Arabs of Klee Hussei Bey”, who was goveror of the city durig the Ottoma period. The house was opeed as a war museum i 1959, ad durig 1986 the museum was developed ad reopeed to reflect the history of the city of Rachid.
The three-story buildig is a model of Islamic architecture i the Ottoma era. It icludes some of the documets ad documets that highlight the struggle of the sos of Rashid agaist Frech ad Eglish coloialism. I additio, the museum displays some of the daily life i Rashid durig the Ottoma period, i additio to crafts ad idustries. The show also icludes collectios of cois, ruways, crockery, ad grille widows.
The Mummificatio Museum is located o the Coriche of the ile, orth of the Luxor Temple. It opeed i 1997 ad is oe of the most importat specialized museums i Egypt. It highlights a umber of topics related to embalmig ad dyig i the aciet Egyptia belief, such as the embalmig materials ad the tools used i this process. Mummificatio ad cowardice, as well as displays of protectio matles, a variety of coffis, ad fuerary paitigs. The museum also displays a umber of huma mummies ad a rage of aimal mummies such as crocodiles, cats ad fish.
The Luxor Museum is located o the Coriche of the ile o the easter bak of Luxor. The museum was opeed i 1975 ad a ew hall was added to it i 1984. I 1989, the “Khufika” hall was opeed to iclude the most recet archaeological discoveries at Luxor Temple.
The museum cosists of two floors, ad displays may rare artifacts discovered i Luxor, such as statues of kigs ad gods, ad the museum cotais may holdigs coverig the various historical ages of Egyptia civilizatio. The museum also shows some of the treasures of Kig Tutakhamu discovered i the Valley of Kigs i Luxor i 1922, such as the rare head of the goddess Hathor ad the pharaoh of the pharaoh.
Located i the viciity of the Karak Temples, it cotais a umber of importat Middle Easter period buildigs such as Kig Seusret I’s “White Cabi”, as well as two moder state cabis – Kig Amehotep the First, ad “Quee’s Cabi” , The museum also icludes may artifacts such as statues of baboo mokeys, a umber of imagiary doors, ad other moumetal stoe moumets
The Ismailia atioal Museum is oe of the oldest museums i Egypt, built by egieers workig for the Suez Caal Compay for Maritime avigatio (the Suez Caal Authority curretly). The museum is a temple structure ad features a variety of uique artifacts discovered i the Suez Caal regio ad Siai .
The idea of establishig the atioal Museum i Ismailia coicided with the excavatio of the Suez Caal (1859-1869). Its purpose was to fid a place to preserve ad display the discovered artifacts i such a way as to facilitate their study.
The museum cotais about 3800 artifacts coverig the various historical stages of Egyptia civilizatio. Amog the most importat pieces exhibited i Ismailia are a graite statue of the Sphix of the Middle Kigdom, a marble ark of a perso amed “Jed Hor” datig back to the Ptolemaic era, From the era of Kig Ramses II was revealed i the city of Qatara East durig the Suez Caal diggig.
The explaatio for hostig the Museum of Archeology at the Uiversity of Bei Suef was bor i Saudi Arabia upo discovery. Archeology has emerged as oe of the few museums i the world that displays uique art objects i the same place.
The museum was officially opeed o 16 October 2002. His collectio was chose with the history of the rise i cotemporary times, the church, the Roma, the Coptic ad Islam. The museum’s frame cotais 1133 pieces showig a collectio of artifacts discovered durig a costructio process at the site of the Library from 19933 to 1995 from leadig positios of the Mediterraea seabed ear the easter port of Abu Qir.