All the ecclesiastical ad historical sources are gathered as the last spot i Upper Egypt by the Holy Family i its blessed historical jourey from orth to south, which became the structure of the Church of the Virgi Mary.
The moastery has a area of about 20 acres ad thus it is oe of the largest ad largest moasteries i the Egyptia Sahara. The moastery is surrouded by a exteral wall iside the courtyard of the celebratios, a guesthouse, a garde ad aother wall surrouds the moastery. The moastery is divided ito three sectios by iteral walls. The church of the ew Virgi Mary, ad the buildig of hospitality, ad the aget’s office ad belogigs ad libraries to sell the moastery, ad some service accessories from bars for livestock ad fuel stores ad others, ad the middle sectio of the moastery cotais the Palace of hospitality ad some gardes ad behid him there is a table, the last sectio cotais I the churches of the moastery ad the caliphs.
The moastery icludes five churches i additio to the Church of the fortress, which has bee destroyed i may times. The Church of the Virgi Mary is older tha the moastery, datig back to the first cetury AD.
The Abu Mia area is located o the orther edge of Wester Sahara ad is reached by a perpedicular road o the Cairo-Alexadria Desert Road 12 km away from Burj Al Arab. I aciet times it was a small village cotaiig the burial place of St. Mia sice the late Roma times. Christia pilgrimage i Egypt.
This place was discovered i 1905 by the Germa archaeologist K. M . I the summer of 1907, Kaufma was able to ucover large parts of it. Over the ext few decades, a few attempts were made to explore the regio at itervals.
I 1959, the Coptic Patriarch, Cyril VI, established the moastery ear the old village. I 1979, the UESCO Committee decided to iclude this place i the World Heritage List, which was held o October 22-27 i Luxor. Historical moumets i Egypt.
As usual, this place was as lucky as ay pilgrim’s ceter. This place, which was oce a small village that was ot of extraordiary importace thaks to the power of its saits, was able to accommodate thousads of pilgrims o the Feast of Sait 15 Hattour = ovember 11, ad sice the Coptic Church still follows the Julia caledar, this date ow correspods to ovember 24, ad these pilgrims came from far away coutries such as Germay ad Frace. I this coutry were foud the bottles of pilgrims, The ame of the Mia flasks, which the arrivals took with them o their retur as a souveir of the visit, was also Thier visitors to Abu Mia pilgrimage to baptize their childre or themselves there, while i the o-holiday times sait was stayig sacred place where a smaller umber of visitors.
This castle was fouded by Sulta Al-Ashraf Abu Al-asr Qaitbay Al-Mahmoudi, he is the 41st kigs of Turk i Egypt ad the fifteeth of the kigs of the Circassias. He was admitted to the Sultaate i 872 AH / 1467 AD ad died i 901 AH / 1495 AD , Ad was buried i his school i the desert i Cairo
The Sulta Qaitbai traveled to Alexadria i the sprig of the first year i 882 AH / 1478 AD ad headed towards the old Maar, which was built o the basis of a great tower. I the moth of Shaaba i 884 AH / 1479 AD, the Sulta retured to Alexadria to see the tower Which he created there ad has bee completed.
The fortress was built to fortify the city of Alexadria ad protect it from exteral aggressio, especially from the Ottoma state, which bega to chage the directio of its coquests from Europe to the Islamic East. Sulta Qaitbai tried to fortify the Egyptia storages ad bega buildig may ew castles.
The castle cosists of a rectagular area of 150 m × 130 m surrouded by the sea o three sides ad the castle has a mai etrace i the south-west i the form of two towers i the form of three quarters of the circle ad the castle of Sura represet two defese rages, ad has attached to the castle mosque i the orth-east cosists of a hall It is surrouded by four ios ad a huge water storage tak is available for the residets of the castle
This palace was built i the year 1834 AD uder the reig of Mohamed Ali ad was used i costructio by foreig egieers, icludig the Frech egieer Serizi Bek. It took eleve years to build the palace ad was officially opeed i 1847.
The Palace was built i the Europea style, which was commo i the city of Alexadria at the time. It was i the form of a fort, which was built i the place of fig trees, so it was called the Palace of figs. It was left from the old palace, with its etrace which was icorporated ito the buildig of the ew palace which was recostructed by Kig Fouad Moder era by the Italia architect Ferrucci ad became similar to the palace of Abdee.
There are several etraces to the palace, the most importat of which is the etrace umber 1, where it is a remat of the old palace kow as the easter gate. This etrace cosists of six graite colums topped with crows with copper pillars with Quraic verses. The two sides are based o two statues represetig two lios with a marble block with shapes of birds, Opposite.
The secod etrace is a secodary etrace adjacet to the ewly established mosque. There is a third etrace to the palace buildigs by the sea. Aother gate is located at the ed of the palace wall ad leads to the maritime commad.
The palace cotais several buildigs located withi the perimeter of the surroudig wall. These buildigs cosist of the palace buildig which houses the mai ad middle floors, the hospitality pavilio, the media pavilio, the pricesses buildig, the glass corridors that coect the palace with the pricess buildigs, the mosque facig the mai facade of the palace, It is the railway statio, Morsi o the rear façade. There are also two moder buildigs, Al Barqi Mosque ad the Supervisory Buildig. The palace has a umber of distictive halls.
As for the additios of the palace, it is the buildig of the pricesses, cosistig of a groud floor ad two upper floors. The buildig of the trai statio ad al-Barqi Mosque is a simple buildig. Its compoets are simple ad reflective of the fact that the etrace is moder. This is the place of Sidi El-Aref i El-Barghi i 1314 AH
The Aswa cemetery is oe of the oldest cemeteries i the Islamic world. It is made up of two palaces, oe i the orth ad the other i the south. The Aswa climate affected the remais of this cemetery. Which is the most used material i that period, sice the ecoomic situatio of the state ad the people there did ot allow them to use the stoe ad decorate it as it was i the days of the Pharaohs.
The tombs, which remaied coheret eve before the year 1930, which umber (80) cemeteries scattered i the two mai gabbaes, is located i the Tribal Tribal Graves from o. 1 to o. 31 i additio to tombs without umbers, ad is located i the sea cemetery tombs from o. 33 to Tomb o. 55 i additio to To tombs ot bearig umbers
I the middle of this cetury, the had of recostructio ad expasio of the city ad the opeig of the streets to the demolitio of may of them ad left oly scattered models ad the history of this cemetery exteds from the eighth cetury AH (2 AH / 13 AD) to the seveth cetury AH / 13).
Buildig System
These tombs were built o the system of carrier walls, like other Islamic moumets i moolithic forms
The buildig material prevailig i these tombs was brick bricks, except for some parts of these tombs, such as cotracts, domes ad domes. They were built of bricks. Stoe strips were also foud i some tombs such as tombs umber 13 i the easter group of the tribal cemetery, Of the same group, as well as Tomb o. 10 of the same group, ad appeared plaster plasterig i some of these graves, such as Tomb o. 12 i the easter group of the tribal cemetery ad cemetery umber 31 of the same group, ad cemetery o. 5 of the wester group of the tribal cemetery.
Although the Upper Upper Regio cotais may quarries of fie sadstoe, it was ot used i the Islamic era i this area except for tombstoes oly, perhaps due to the ecoomic situatio of the people of this regio.
These tombs are located ext to the Masake Al-Dobbat area i Mustafa Kamel. They belog to the Ptolemaic period (late 3rd cetury ad early 2d cetury BC), ad were discovered betwee 1933 ad 1934 by chace. It cosists of four tombs carved i rock. The first ad secod tombs were carved beeath the surface of the earth, while the secod ad third tombs were partly raised above the surface of the earth.
Chalabi is oe of the oldest Helleistic dues datig back to the 4th cetury BC. It was used util the ed of the secod cetury BC util it was swallowed up by the urbaizatio of Alexadria at the time, ad therefore it is cosidered a Greek cemetery Pure was ot used durig the Roma era.
The cemetery beloged to rich Greek families ad the tured ito a public cemetery over the years. The cemetery is composed of two floors; the upper floor above the groud is shaped like Greek houses, ad the basemet below the surface of the earth is a group of holes carved ito the rock.
I additio to a large umber of tombstoes, which were decorated with may religious views, they were used to close the holes after placig the ash tractor. Out.
This group cosists of five tombs, which are geerally similar to the Alexadria tombs i terms of a ope courtyard ad a frot room for prayers leadig to the fuerary chamber. The oldest of the five tombs dates back to the begiig of the secod cetury BC, ad most recetly to the ed of this cetury, although all were used durig the Roma era. Cemeteries with umbers (2) ad (5) are amog the most beautiful of these tombs due to the magificece of the paitigs above their walls ad ceiligs, i additio to the mixig of this type of wall paitig with the use of decorative architectural elemets take from the aciet Egyptia art.
These tombs are located i the area of Kom al-Shakafa south of Mia al-Basal eighborhood. It is cosidered oe of the most importat tombs of Alexadria. The area was amed because of the abudace of pottery ad uts that accumulated i this place. , Which is three floors below the surface of the earth. It is also oe of the clearest examples of the fusio of Egyptia art with Roma art. These tombs were foud by accidet o September 28, 1900, datig to the period betwee the 1st ad 2d ceturies CE. The museum’s garde icludes the cemetery of Tejra, Istagi (the cemetery of the roses), Silvago, ad some archaeological fids.
Is the largest ad most importat Egyptia temples. The aciet Egyptias called it Ibt Sut, which meas “the time of the chose places of the Throe of Amu”; the worship of the god Amu was dedicated to the head of the Good Triity with the death of Khosu. It cosists of a complex of temples ad architectural elemets built by the aciet kigs of Egypt from the Middle Kigdom util the Ptolemaic period. It is surrouded by a huge mud brick wall ad is exteded by the port of the west. ewly discovered Roma ad Roma baths i frot of the first edifice.
The crak cotais the temple of the goddess Mott, which ca be reached through the easter rams road of the teth edifice of the temple of Karak, surrouded by the east, south ad west of the holy lake.
The temple was dedicated to the goddess Amu Ra’s wife, mother of god Khosu, ad was built by Amehotep the Third ad added to the kigs several additios util the Ptolemaic era. The temple has two small temples iside it; the first dedicated to the god Khosu dates back to the 18th Dyasty, while the secod was dedicated to the worship of the god Amu ad is due to Ramses III.
The temple begis with a courtyard ad the a courtyard with several statues of the goddess “Sakhmet” depicted as a lady with the head of a lioess, a picture of the goddess of death, ad the we reach aother courtyard of colums ad the the hall of the saits followed by the Holy of Holies.